Friday 25 May 2012

Friday 25th May 2012: Savannah and the Angel

Friday 25th May 2012

So today was a disappointing day!

Me, Mike, Roxana and Jason were all supposed to go to EXPO on Saturday or Sunday. Me and Jason couldn't get the day off work so we all decided to go on Friday.

Jason got all dressed up as Savannah and I dressed up as a graveyard angel... just to change things up a bit! 

Now we've never been on a Friday, as it turns out for a very good reason. EXPO announced that they would be adding Friday to the event a few EXPOs ago. So us, assuming it was a normal EXPO decided to go on Friday. 

Mike ended up not being able to go because of work and Roxana cancelled the day before because she had exams. I said to Jason should we just leave it this year, but we were both determined to go.