Sunday 27 May 2007

Sunday 27th May 2007 - Tuxedo Kamen from Sailor Moon

Sunday 27th May 2007

My very brief time on the EXPO stage!

My dad looking very bored
So for my second trip to EXPO, my parents agreed to come with us, although after the day they vowed never to go again! It's definitely not their thing! :P

This time Tasha didn't come with us, but Sophie caught the EXPO fever after the first time. We also had a new addition to our EXPO crew called Lauren who was Sophie's friend. 

I dressed up as Tuxedo Kamen from Sailor Moon. I had short hair at the time, so I thought I could get away with being a male character. I already had a cape and the gloves from other dress ups I'd done and I just wore my school uniform and bought a hat and mask. 
Me and Chibi Moon

While I was there I found a gothic lolita dress for £60. I couldn't try it on, and it was a lot of money but I just went for it! When I got home, I tried it on and it was the perfect fit! I was sooo happy :)

I went on the EXPO stage in my costume. I wasn't expecting to win or anything, but it was my first time on stage and it was a lot of fun. I got into some really great conversations behind the stage and saw some amazing costumes. It felt like I was on the stage for ages, and I was trying to take my time. It turns out all that was in my head and I was on and off stage within 12 seconds. I know this because we filmed it and I shot on and off stage so quick! At least I learnt from that mistake!

I don't remember much from the day. I do remember finding someone who was dressed up as Sailor Chibi Moon. She ran up to me and called me 'daddy', which has become a good EXPO story to tell.

Me, Lauren and Sophie
My mum on the Simpson's couch
Sophie getting 'intimate' with a Fantastic Four poster on
the train journey home!