Sunday 30 May 2010

Sunday 30th May 2010: Gothic Princess

Sunday 30th May 2010

This year a huge group of us went to EXPO. There was me, Mike and Roxana as usual, with the addition of Dan, Emma, Jason and Danfeng. Danfeng and I go to uni together, but at the time of this EXPO we had only been speaking online before we had gone to uni, so this was the first time we'd seen each other. Dan and Emma are people I went to college with and Jason is someone I work with. 

No body dressed up apart from me and Dan. I lent Dan my cape, and I don't know who he was supposed to be! I went as a Gothic-y Princess. I didn't have a real costume and I wanted to dress up in something. Jason bought a link costume, but he chickened out at the last minute and decided not to wear it!

We all had a great day. I got to leave with a Luna Sailor Moon hat so I was happy! 

Me and Dan on the train
Emma and Mike listening to
Jason on the train
Me and the Cheshire Cat
Danfeng with Avatars
Roxana and Emma wearing my new Luna hat from Sailor Moon